
Municipality of Leiden chooses Container Management System from Hexapole!

Hexapole’s Container Management System (CMS) takes waste collection from underground and collection containers to the next level. Director Bas Bloemink: “Our system is customized and is fully in line with the work process of the municipality. We therefore do not impose a way of working, but set up a system that perfectly matches the wishes and working method of the municipality of Leiden.”

That was exactly the reason for Willem Guijt – RVT manager Civil and Cultural Engineering of the Municipality of Leiden and responsible for waste collection – to choose Hexapole. “The personal approach, but above all the will and willingness to provide customization, was the deciding factor.”

Tailor-made waste collection

Figures from the city and neighborhood survey of the municipality of Leiden show that more and more waste is placed next to the underground containers, which leads to a messy situation, annoyance among citizens, hygiene problems, litter and extra costs for cleaning up. In short, a situation that the municipality of Leiden wishes to put an end to. That is why the municipality will switch to Hexapole’s Container Management System in the first quarter of 2022.

Profit for the municipality and residents of Leiden

By loading information from the management system of the underground containers themselves, combining this with static schedules and (filling level) information, a dynamic planning can be made daily for the collection. In this way, only full containers are emptied and route planning can be optimized. This saves costs and contributes to the environment.

Willem Guijt: “For my team, I mainly expect that the quality of the implementation will continue to improve: residents (almost) never have to face a full container again! As a not insignificant spin-off, we also see dynamic collection as an incentive for the digital skills of the employees.”

Also a suitable Container Management System?

Curious about Hexapole’s Container Management System? The price of which is experienced by our users as very reasonable? Read more about it here on our website.